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Going Organic, Cold Turkey!

Written by Henry Jackson Wood on .

Comparing a healthy, maintained, and organically built website with a healthy, organic diet produces so many similarities that they may arrive at the same results. Building and maintaining a sustainable, organic website draws many parallels to an individual who opts for a healthier lifestyle by switching to an organic diet. How your food is grown or raised may have a significant impact on your mental and emotional health as well as the environment. The same is true for the overall health of your website regarding the visitors you attract.

Organic foods often have more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their conventionally grown counterparts. Likewise, organic traffic is generated in a more “natural” way as well. Sure, paid advertising campaigns may put eyes on your site. However, much as you would eat organic to steer clear of impurities in the food, the traffic generated through a paid campaign can often be artificial and, like its food counterparts, very harmful to your website. 

What is Organic Traffic?

Organic traffic refers to the visitors landing on your website due to using a search engine (like Google). These quality visits show that the user was not referred from another site, nor was it generated by paid ads or campaigns just as an organic farmer produces fresher and much cleaner produce and products by not using harmful chemicals and synthetic pesticides, the increase of your organic traffic results from your consistently creating fresh new original, quality, and relevant content. 

Consequently, by focusing on quality, relevant, original content to build your organic customer sphere, you eliminate the need to pay for subpar and, most of the time, irrelevant visitors to your website. Thus, growing a relevant and robust base of visitors who are searching and interested in your type of business or services. Besides, as you continue to “yield” quality, relevant content consistently, you increase your search engine optimization (SEO). This helps you rank higher in search engines and helps the maximum number see your website of relevant, potential clients. 

While competitors could pay for a certain ad which will be seen and get their share of clicks, your competitors cannot buy or pay their way to the credibility and trust that is built with a well-planned and effectively executed strategy that has driven your brand to the “top of the page.”

By “harvesting” these quality, organic leads rather than running paid campaigns, you eliminate the possibility of these “irrelevant visitors” that can prove detrimental to both your daily traffic and server. Not to mention, without a need for “sifting” through that subpar traffic, you avoid wasting what may be the most valuable asset to any company, time.

The Proof is in the “Product” 

As with anything, seeing is believing. In building a solid marketing strategy aimed at driving organic traffic, “seeing” comes in the form of your client being able to look and see as they climb the rankings in search engines and, as a result accumulating more customers and return on their initial investment. Just as the healthy eating customer becomes a loyal buyer of the fresher and juicier organic product from the particular brand which they have grown to trust, when the consistent content you build for your target audience turns into consistent results, the “seed is planted” for a strong and solid long-term customer relationship.

Just as utilizing an organic diet will lead to an increased energetic and healthier lifestyle, a steady and consistent method of delivering organic content will see a steady increase and constant climb on Google and other search engines. The organic traffic increase, keyword and phrase searches will allow your brand or services to become more visible while laying the foundation for visitors to return, which helps convert them into long-term clients.  

As noted, pursuing organic leads does not lead to overnight success, but once your business is established and is sustained with original organic content, continuing with this consistent strategy will keep you climbing in search engines and, most importantly keep you visible to the customer. 

Our organic efforts in real-world test outperformed the PPC by over 360 percent in a six month period.

While competitors could pay for a particular ad which will be seen and get their share of clicks, your competitors cannot buy or pay their way to the credibility and trust that is built with a well-planned and effectively executed strategy that has driven your brand to the “top of the page.” 

ROI is the Bottom Line

It’s easy to fall victim to pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns if you’re outsourcing the efforts or if you don’t understand the analytics. An example is a long-time client who ran a major PPC campaign and also ran an organic strategy method with us. We tracked the efforts and both campaigns of each team. Our organic efforts in a real-world test outperformed the PPC by over 360 percent in a six-month period. The organic strategy continues to be the leading role resulting in over $18 million in home sales.

Whether we are comparing personal well-being and eating habits or building and sustaining a strong and prosperous brand, the bottom line is seeing a return on your investment (ROI). In our experience whether you chose to run a PPC campaign or not, building your organic presence when implemented correctly and consistently will build an overall healthy lead source and is a way to deliver strong, sustainable results and most importantly trust to maximize your bottom line.  


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